Legal information


game – Verband der deutschen Games-Branche e.V. (game)
Friedrichstraße 165
D-10117 Berlin

Managing Director: Felix Falk
Phone: 030 240 87 79 – 0
Fax: 030 240 87 79 – 11
Email: info(AT)

Entry in the Register of Associations:
Register number 24708 Nz, Register of Associations at Berlin-Charlottenburg District Court, Amtsgerichtsplatz 1
14057 Berlin, Germany
VAT ID DE251601375
Party responsible for the content in accordance with Section 5 of the German Telemedia Act (TMG) and Section 55 of the German Interstate Broadcasting Agreement (RStV): Felix Falk


game accepts no liability for the accuracy or completeness of the information provided on this website, nor does game guarantee that it is up to date. Under no circumstances will game accept liability for damages incurred through the use or non-use of this website. game accepts no liability of any kind for the content of any of the external links on this website that redirect to third-party websites providing content for which third parties are responsible.

game hereby declares that it has no influence over the current or future design, content or authorship of the linked websites and expressly distances itself from all content of all pages linked on our website that were changed after the link was placed. On no account does game claim ownership of this content.

Copyright notice

All contents and structures of this website are covered by copyright and other related rights. Publication on the World Wide Web or other internet services does not constitute a declaration of consent to further use by third parties.

Industrial property rights

All of the brand names and trademarks mentioned on this website – including those owned by third parties – are covered by the provisions of the applicable trademark laws and the ownership rights of the respective registered owners without restriction. The mere mention of a trademark should not lead to the conclusion that the trademark is not protected by third-party rights.

Image credits

The images used on this website were kindly provided by game members and partners of game. The respective companies hold the rights to these images. The images may only be used with prior express permission of the rights holders in question. Copyright 2011, game e. V. All rights reserved.